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Geopolitical assessment and partnership strategy


An international industrial client with long experience of doing business with, and operating in, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) requested strategic advice from Consilio. Political shifts and repositioning amongst key individuals had made the business environment volatile and difficult to maneuver. The client sought advice on how to assess the situation and how best to navigate the market moving forward, given the relationship-oriented nature of the business sector in which they operated as well as that of KSA. Should they consider a change of local partners?


Our services incorporated the following:

  1. Political assessment and mapping – especially in regards to the ruling Al Saud-family and key actors close to the family
  2. Operational advice – would establishing a production facility in KSA be a possibility and what would the implications of local production be in terms of risks and opportunities, locally and globally?
  3. Geopolitical assessment and potential extended impact – how may changes in diplomatic relations between Sweden and KSA impact the client in KSA?
  4. Government relations and partnership strategy

The result

Our contribution resulted in the following positive outcome for our client: 

  • Enhanced basis for decision in whether or not to engage with a new local partner
  • Enhanced relations with the government and other key individuals
  • Unique business insights and understanding of the impact of geopolitical trends